Belong: To Christ (2) - Tell Your Story

Next Step Discipleship, pp. 32–35

by David Daniels on

Books 7 min read
1 Peter 3:15

To read the previous section of this chapter, see: Belong: To Christ (1) - Believe the Gospel.

Tell Your Story
In 1866, Arabelle Hankey wrote the lyrics to the hymn “I Love to Tell the Story.” The simple chorus is beautiful:

I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

The theme of every conversation and song in eternity will be the marvelous grace of God, demonstrated through the loving sacrifice of His Son for helpless sinners. We should tell the story today as often as we can! Unfortunately, many Christians do not know how to tell their story—the unique testimony of how and when they trusted Jesus Christ. In 1 Peter 3:15, the Scriptures urge the Christian, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” The Christian must be prepared to share their personal story of hope.

We may think of the Christian’s testimony as having three parts or “chapters”: Before, How and After. The first part gives a brief description of what your life was like before trusting in Jesus. Highlight your search for meaning, your attempt to do good or the emptiness you might have felt. Next, explain how you encountered Jesus. Where did you hear the message of the Gospel? What did God reveal to you? What Bible verse impacted you the most? This is the moment where you express the reality of sin and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Finally, express what your life has been like since your conversion. Honestly admit that you aren’t perfect, but share how you are growing in the knowledge of God.

Write your testimony out. Edit and rewrite. Remember, this is the most important story that will ever be told. Craft a story that explains your conversion in rich detail and practice sharing it. Create a much shorter version—3-5 minutes—that can be told at a moment’s notice. Both your testimony and the Gospel “movements” are two indispensable tools for your ministry.

I have shared my own personal testimony hundreds of times and am always encouraged to reflect on the work of God in my life. Here is my brief story, posted here to help the reader see the movements of “Before,” “How” and “After.”

I was raised in a very religious family, going to church almost every Sunday and being trained in Sunday School from an early age. But, while I was part of a church, saw images of the cross and heard Bible stories, I never understood who Jesus is or what He did for me.

My relationship with parents and brothers was sometimes strained, often because of me and especially as I grew into my teenage years. I described myself as the “black sheep” of the family…a high achiever at school, but never feeling like I could please others. I struggled with a deep sense of inadequacy and searched for personal affirmation in my studies, drama performances and my abilities as an artist. I longed to be loved and accepted.

A month before my high school graduation, I had another of what had become frequent arguments with my parents. I left home and drove to the retail store where my best friend, Robert, and I were employed as assistant managers. It was closing time and, as I helped him sweep the stockroom floor, my friend asked me two questions that would forever change my life. Sensing my despair, Robert asked, “David, if you were to die tonight, how sure are you that you would spend eternity with God?”

I answered, “I feel very sure.” Remember, I was a very religious person.

Robert then asked the second question, “And, if you were to stand before God, what reason would you give as to why you should spend eternity with Him?”

I arrogantly replied, “Because I’m better than my brothers.” Yes, that was my answer! But, it revealed my serious misunderstanding of what it means to belong to God. I believed that I simply needed to be better than most people to go to heaven. But, my friend shared four truths that corrected my religious misunderstanding.

First, Robert told me that all people were sinners, including me. I accepted this because I knew there were some things that I had done that definitely displeased God.

Second, he told me that the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Just as employees must be paid for the work they perform, so sinners must be “paid” the wages of sin. And, what is owed to all of us because of our sin is death—eternal separation from God.

Third, Robert told me that none of us can do anything to remedy our sin problem. We cannot go to church, give to charity or clean up our lives. Because, no matter how good we might be from this point forward, the residue of sin will always remain. Only Jesus Christ can take away sin. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to live a perfect life and then die a death He didn’t deserve in order to pay a penalty than none of us could afford. He laid down His life for me! Romans 5:8 states, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus took my sin, paid my penalty and offered me a new life with God.

Finally, Robert shared that any person may receive this gift of eternal life by expressing faith in Jesus. He told me of His own conversion years ago and asked me if I believed that Jesus was the Son of God and had died for my sins. I did.

For me, it was as if someone had given me the box top picture to a jigsaw puzzle. Previously, I had all the pieces, but never understood how they fit together. Now, hearing the Gospel of Jesus, I was overwhelmed. I finally understood that Jesus had died for me and offered me eternal life!

I went home that evening—April 30, 1983—and prayed a simple prayer: “God, I admit that I am a sinner and that my sin has separated me from You. I am sorry for my sin and need Jesus Christ in my life. Thank You for sending your Son to become my substitute. Thank You that Jesus took my sin, died on the cross and rose from the dead to give me new life. I trust in Him alone for my salvation. I ask Him to come into my life and enable me to live the life You always intended for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

That night, nothing supernatural happened that I could see. But, deep in my heart, God began to change me from the inside out. Now that I was adopted as God’s son, He began to make me look and live like family. I remember one of the most immediate changes was with my speech. I began to grow disgusted with jokes and comments that I had formerly been entertained by. While I still sinned—and still do—the Holy Spirit began to convict me of unholy habits and give me a longing for God. I began to attend a Christ-exalting church and learned the difference between religion and a deepening relationship with Jesus. And, I am still growing in knowing Him every day since!

Hopefully, in reading my testimony, you discern several principles. Keep your story simple. Express your need (Before). Make the Gospel clear (How). Clarify sin, the cross and faith. Admit your life isn’t perfect, but is progressing (After). Your personal testimony will become one of the most effective tools in your missional toolbox.

To read the next section of this chapter, see: Belong: To Christ (3) - Be Baptized.

About the Author

Dr. David Daniels (D. Min. Dallas Theological Seminary, M. Div. Denver Seminary) is Lead Pastor of Central Bible Church and author of Next Step Church, Next Step Discipleship, Next Step JournalWonder, and An Unexpected King.