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Why I Go on Mission Trips

by Madison Upton on

Mission trips are undeniably challenging. So, why do people commit to these missions? Why do people take time to go into the uncomfortable and do hard things? I will tell you why I do.


Gaining and Maintaining Spiritual Momentum

by Jenny Black on

As we aim to move forward in our spiritual growth, we will inevitably experience friction in our lives that will, at times, stop us in our tracks. But God has given us several essentials that can be imprinted upon our lives for greater spiritual momentum.


Facing the Fallout

by Jesse Burns on

Our inner brokenness always bears outward fruit. What hidden indiscretions or unaddressed pride might be festering beneath the surface of your life? 


Spiritual Weight Loss

by Nathan Beltran on

The process of pursuing physical health has taught me about pursuing spiritual health. Read on for three lessons I've been reminded of in this process.


What God Hates

Staying clear of God’s righteous anger

by David Daniels on

Our heavenly Father is compassionate, gracious, patient, loving and forgiving (Exodus 34:6). God isn’t predisposed to “fly off the handle” in rage. Still, there are a few things that arouse His anger. And, as His children, we are wise to steer clear of these things.


The 5 P's of Facilitating a Bible Study

by Ray Biery on

As a teacher/facilitator, you are in a very influential position to help develop good Bible study disciplines to increase people's dependence on Scripture and make disciples of Jesus. These 5 tips for facilitating a Bible study can help you in that role and function.


Do You Feel the World Is Broken?

by Roger Sappington on

In the days the Lord has given us this side of heaven, is there anything we can do about the brokenness all around us? For anyone who has much spent time in God’s Word, the answer is undoubtedly, “Yes!”


The Mercy Well

by Matt Koceich on

The powerful Bible story of the woman at the well reminds us of the great gift we have in Jesus—our loving, merciful, compassionate audience of One, who offers Himself to fill our thirst.


A “DTR” Moment with Your Church

Making your relationship official

by Toney Upton on

Have you ever had a moment when you made a purposed and thoughtful commitment to a local church family? I encourage you to have a “Define the Relationship” moment with your church.


Act as Sons and Daughters

by Cindy Rayburn on

As believers in Christ, we should live as children who are adopted by our Heavenly Father, able to fully trust that he is looking out for us and will meet all our needs.