Fearless and Free

by Matt Koceich on

Articles 2 min read
Genesis 6:9

Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 
Genesis 6:9

People didn’t get it. They were lost in their own worlds, tired and broken, just trying to make it through another day. Somehow it made them feel better to laugh at the weird bearded man who was building a boat in the middle of a dry and dusty field. The mysterious construction project was beyond massive and everyone who looked at it surely thought Noah had lost his mind.

There will be moments today that try and take your mind off your journey. Some bad news or experience might come along and tempt you to forget that God has called you by name to follow Him. Like Noah, He is giving you the courage to be fearless and become that special someone in the world that pursues a herculean task to bring God glory... the task of telling others how much God loves them, too. 

God set Noah and his family (and the animals!) free when the flood waters finally came. The same water that filled the land carried Noah to the exact place where God wanted him to be. Today isn’t an accident. It’s not another set of hours and minutes for you to get through. Today is the next part of your journey to continue on to all the wonderful places God has for you. Be encouraged by the fact that God is faithfully right there with you and He loves you more than anything!

Lord, I pray that You would open my eyes and ears. Help me listen to Your instructions and help me see where You are asking me to go. Thank you that today is brand new and that You love me. I can’t wait to see where You lead me today!

About the Author

Matt Koceich is the 2021 Christian Book Award finalist in the Children's category and author of the IMAGINE Bible adventure series for kids. He lives in Mansfield, Texas with his wife Cindi and their four children.