Gospel Response in Great Tragedy

by David Daniels on

Articles 4 min read

At 3:20 on May 20, 2013, a monstrous tornado swept across Oklahoma and devastated the community of Moore. I watched throughout the evening as images and reports of this merciless tragedy trickled in non-stop through news channels. The next morning, I talked with KCBI radio about how Christians might answer those who wonder what to think about God after the storm has passed.

The unbeliever (and some believers) ask one of three questions: Is God aware? Is God good? Is God powerful? Sometimes, when bombs detonate or buildings collapse, we try to make sense of things by affirming two truths but sacrificing the third:

  • God is all-knowing and all-good, but isn't all-powerful. He watches and wishes, but He doesn't have the ability to control everything. Otherwise, bad things wouldn't happen.

  • God is all-knowing and all-powerful, but isn't all-good. He is a mean-spirited deity who doesn't care about the world. Otherwise, bad things wouldn't happen.

  • God is all-good and all-powerful, but isn't all-knowing. He is unaware of tragedy, perhaps distracted or caught off-guard by events on the other side of the world. Otherwise, bad things wouldn't happen.

Each of these options may tidy up our explanation for evil, but amputates an attribute of God in the process. We arrive at "an answer," but not the truth. So, what thoughtful response can a Christian give that recognizes the tension, and points people to God, not away from Him? Let me offer a few suggestions:

First, resist the urge to "rescue God." For 37 chapters, Job's friends tried to make sense as to why their friend might have been suffering. Each thoroughly-reasoned argument explained human causality, as if God wasn't even in the room when Job lost his family, his business and his health. But, chapter 1 puts God squarely on His throne. He was sovereign during Job's loss and in his recovery. People take cover in tornadoes, but God never retreats underground. When I sanitize the tragedies of life to make sure no trace of God is found, I unwittingly compromise who God is. I would rather have God fully in control of all things (and not understand this when bad things happen), than for God to only be in control of some things.

Second, reject pat answers. Every truth isn't equally helpful when people are at their lowest. Proverbs 18:21 teaches us that "the tongue has the power of life and death." Our response can be life-giving or death-dealing. Glib answers suggest that the solutions to life's problems are simple and self-evident. But, they're not. In highly emotional times like these, consolation is better than information. While Romans 8:28 is an anchor of Christian hope, it's not a particularly sensitive verse to recite when a mother has lost her child. So, reject pat answers.

Third, reply with what you do know, instead of what you don't. One of the most authentic answers we can give those with questions is "I don't know." It's quite all right to concede what the great writers of Scripture even wrestled with. But as you do, turn the conversation to what you are sure of. God is good. Every moment, He is orchestrating life to accomplish extraordinary things. God is powerful. He sent His Son to defeat sin and death on the cross. God is knowing. He sees all the ravages of sin in the world and is directing everything to His eternal purposes. And, while I don't know what happens behind the curtain of the cosmos, I am sure that God so loved the world, that He sent His Son to die for the world, to rescue the world, to offer the world hope beyond this world.

Finally, respond with compassion. The word means to "feel with" people. In your gut. Perhaps the greatest gospel response Christians can have today is to weep deeply. To be genuinely sad at a planet undone by sin. As the world wonders about God, they can see the heart of God expressed through His people who grieve and then give generously to help those who hurt. This is what Jesus did in coming into the world. To be like us and to give His life.

Then the world will see. And then the world will know.

About the Author

Dr. David Daniels (D. Min. Dallas Theological Seminary, M. Div. Denver Seminary) is Lead Pastor of Central Bible Church and author of Next Step Church, Next Step Discipleship, Next Step JournalWonder, and An Unexpected King.