Lessons from the Storehouse: 6 Ways to Love Your Neighbors

by Jon Rhiddlehoover on

Articles 4 min read
Luke 10:27

He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Luke 10:27

Jesus declared that the two greatest commandments for those who follow Him are to love the Lord our God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We tend to focus on loving the Lord and seek to grow in our walk with Him, but often fail to love our neighbors well. 

Since its opening in June of 2021, the Central Storehouse food pantry has sought to take seriously the calling to love our neighbors. We have learned many lessons along the way.

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Below are 6 principles, in progressive order, that have enriched many relationships formed with neighbors at the Storehouse.

  1. Welcome with an image of God perspective.

    When you engage another person, put a smile on your face. God created your neighbors in His likeness or pattern, and they are to be valued regardless of what they look like or the language they speak. Healthy connection is impossible between people who do not value each other. (Genesis 1:27) 
  1. Listen without judgment.

    One of the most effective ways to love our neighbor is to listen to understand, without judging. Though it would be easy to let your flesh respond with judgment based on many factors, truly listening to your neighbor brings great value to their hearts and causes them to experience relational blessings that many people never experience. Listen and ask questions to truly know your neighbor, creating a safe place to love your neighbors well. (James 1:19)
  1. Speak life-giving words.

    As a Christian, the word of God is in your heart. Take time in your day to read and memorize the Bible, which includes life-giving truth that will not return void. As you listen to your neighbor, use words of encouragement and heartfelt concern for his or her needs. Take the time to share stories of God’s work in your life, and also scriptures that bring truth, hope, and blessing to your neighbor. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
  1. Pray.

    A beautiful way to love your neighbor is to pray for them. Take note of their concerns as you listen and learn more about them. Praying in Jesus' name is a wonderful way to communicate and model your faith and what you believe about God. Praying for your neighbors is one of the most loving gifts you can give them. (Ephesians 6:18)
  1. Serve with genuine generosity when you can.

    It is truly a blessing to serve someone that is in need. Listen to your neighbor and see if there is any need in their life that you might be able to help with. You have been given gifts and resources that God ultimately wants you to use for His purposes. Be willing to give with a cheerful heart because it might be the only expression of God’s love that they recognize today. (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)
  1. Invite them back.

    Every visit with your neighbor is an opportunity to encourage, pray, and serve them in a way that ultimately leads them to know that you love them. After an initial conversation, invite them to return and visit again, set up a time to get together for coffee, or invite them to join you at church or to visit your small group. (1 Peter 1:22)

One author writes that the difficulty we have in loving our neighbors is because we simply do not know how to love them. I believe that the Lord has set forth biblical principles that show us how to love the people we meet day by day. Pray for the Lord to launch you into the harvest, for it is plentiful, filled with people who do not yet know the love of God (Matt 9:37).

About the Author

Jon Rhiddlehoover (MA in Christian Education, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the Lead Community Pastor at Central Bible Church and Director of the Central Storehouse food pantry.