The Fire Lane

by Matt Koceich on

Articles 2 min read
Exodus 3:11

But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
Exodus 3:11

When you see the familiar red-painted curbs, your brain reminds you not to park there because it’s for another purpose. Unless you’re a firefighter on duty—then the red paint means something totally different. It’s welcoming instead of rejecting. It says this is exactly where you belong. That’s the way it was for Moses and the burning bush. Usually, the sight of a fire that size would indicate danger, but instead the flames sparked his curiosity, which in turn drew Moses in to the presence of God.

Our daily lives can be like spiritual fire lanes. The routines and burdens can make you feel rejected, like God has gone away in search of something He loves more. That’s when the enemy tempts you to begin believing the lie: he tries to tell your brain that you don’t belong with God and you should go park somewhere else—giving your devotion to earthly things.

The woman at the well in John 4 was an outcast, pushed away to a place where she wouldn’t be a burden to others. But in the fiery heat of day, Jesus met her and gave her His love and changed her life and many other peoples’ lives forever. He welcomed her in the very place where she had been rejected.

God is calling you today. You might be saying to yourself that you could stare at a bush outside your house all day long, and it would never burst into flames. And you might be right, unless you’re living in the middle of a hot Texas summer. But God is still in the business of calling His children to accomplish great things for His glory. His presence is with you and all around you. So, like Moses, listen for Him calling your name. Go and park your life in the shadow of His wings. As He welcomes you with each new sunrise, receive His love and blessing, over and over again, because with Jesus is exactly where you belong!

Lord, remind me of Your faithfulness and goodness. I don’t feel worthy. But I’m grateful for the story of Moses and how You drew him to the fire. Please be my strength. Please forgive me when I make excuses not to go where You are.

About the Author

Matt Koceich is the 2021 Christian Book Award finalist in the Children's category and author of the IMAGINE Bible adventure series for kids. He lives in Mansfield, Texas with his wife Cindi and their four children.