Why Alignment Works in Children's Ministry

by Stephanie Thomas on

Articles 2 min read

At Central Bible Church we practice integrated biblical instruction, or alignment. This is a fancy way to say our entire campus studies the same text throughout the week. If our pastor is preaching on David and Goliath, all ministries will focus on the same text from 1 Samuel 17. This includes children, students, and adult Community Groups and Home Groups, as well as our Spanish and African congregations. Here’s why it works:

  1. We’re all on the same page – Rather than one family learning six different lessons in a given week, everyone learns the same thing. The family that learns God’s Word together, well, learns God’s Word together.

  2. Greater learning opportunity – Simply put, the connection of repetition to retention is key. Also, repetitive learning in different environments helps foster growth through different learning styles. Alignment offers enlightening lectures, deeper discussion, and hands-on learning. It’s the best way to foster a deeper understanding for our entire congregation.

  3. Discipleship – When everyone is learning the same passage, it’s easier for parents to disciple their kids. Parents can model learning and understanding for their children, teaching them how to study the Bible and apply God’s Word as they dive into the same passage as a family.

  4. Kids hear age-appropriate lessons – When kids go to family church and hear the pastor’s message, they’re likely to pick up a few key takeaways from the passage. In their children’s ministry lesson, they will go deeper with applicable object lessons, relatable stories and engaging small group lessons. This will help them absorb the passage in an age-appropriate way.

Alignment is an incredible opportunity to develop your children’s ministry as a unique learning environment. It will help your ministry both stand alone and offer support to other ministries on campus.

Even if your church doesn’t align, find discipleship opportunities for parents that support this philosophy through small groups or adult classes. Your children’s ministry team can also work with your pastor’s preaching calendar or sermon series during mid-week events.

About the Author

Stephanie Thomas is the Children's Minister at Central Bible Church.