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Is Heaven for Real?

by David Daniels on

If heaven is mere fantasy, there’s no need to give it a second thought. Why worry about some mythical place in the sky? But, if heaven is for real, it demands serious attention.


For Whom Christ Died

by David Daniels on

All of us have had our hand on the cross, heaving it to the place of death, and hoisting Jesus into the air. Jesus died because of all of us. And Jesus died for all of us. No one is automatically saved by Jesus, but everyone can be saved by Jesus because His death is for the world.


Turning God's Head

by David Daniels on

What catches attention on earth isn’t necessarily what catches attention in heaven. God is not looking for the work of your hands but the will of your heart


All for One, One for All

by David Daniels on

Those who are for Jesus have more in common than their differences. We worship the same God and Father, have received the same Spirit, are united with the same baptism into the same body, and look forward with the same hope.


Sent to Serve

by David Daniels on

“Mission” was never intended to be one of the things a church does; it’s the one thing we do. For the people of God, mission is the main thing. Is Jesus’ main thing your main thing?


The Waiting Game

by David Daniels on

The only thing worse than waiting is waiting with no results. However, Jesus showed that God is always at work while we wait.


Refusing to Take No for an Answer

by David Daniels on

God honors spiritual tenacity. Sometimes, the answer doesn’t come immediately because He is giving us opportunity to exercise the vital muscle of faith in our walk with Him. But our persistence will pay off.


Good, Better, Best

by David Daniels on

As Christians, we want our lives to reflect God’s Kingdom priorities. With so many options, which choices are best? What should we say “yes” to, knowing that we will have to sacrifice lesser things?


Crucial Evidence for Christ's Death

by David Daniels on

The facts about Jesus' burial in the Gospel of Mark establish incontrovertible evidence for Jesus’ death—a death that confirms God's justice, proves God's love, secures our savation, and readies our own resurrection.