Roger Sappington

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Do You Feel the World Is Broken?

by Roger Sappington on

In the days the Lord has given us this side of heaven, is there anything we can do about the brokenness all around us? For anyone who has much spent time in God’s Word, the answer is undoubtedly, “Yes!”


The Power of the “Regular” Christian Life

by Roger Sappington on

Many of us want to make an impact in the world. We desire to be agents of change. We long for influence beyond what we presently have. But sometimes it is living “regular” lives as Christians who love others well that makes us our impact truly remarkable.


11 Financial Hacks to Fight the Inflation Monster

by Roger Sappington on

Over the years of seeking to be a faithful steward of God’s resources, I have learned some helpful life hacks in the area of our finances. None of these ideas are revolutionary, but added together they can help you save hundreds of dollars a month and further the work of the gospel through your increased giving.


Loving Our Persecuted Brothers and Sisters

by Roger Sappington on

It is estimated that 365 million Christians are persecuted because of their faith—that's 1 in 7 Christians worldwide. Here are the 10 most dangerous countries in the world in which to be a Christian, and 4 ways we can support persecuted Christians. 


Higher Up

Looking, Living, and Longing for the Life To Come

by David Daniels and Roger Sappington on

Christians are strangers in this world and, therefore, don’t look like this world. Our alien disposition can invite suffering, the consequence of being aligned with Jesus rather than our culture. In his letter to a church under pressure, the Apostle Peter encourages God’s people to live surprising, Christ-centered, and Kingdom-oriented lives as they look forward to the glory to come. Through the important book of 1 Peter, the church today is reminded that we are not of this world and must look, live, and long for a life that is "higher up."