The One and Only - Bible Study

by Eric Wright and Amanda Vaughan on

Bible Studies 1 document
Exodus 20:3 Exodus 34:13

  • The One and Only | The Scrolls | June 26, 2022

    Copyright Central Bible Church

The Scrolls is a weekly Bible study written by pastors and other leaders at Central Bible Church, based on that week’s sermon topic. Use The Scrolls as a personal Bible study tool, for family devotions, and for small group discussions. You can read part of it below. The downloadable PDF also includes discussion questions, more in-depth commentary, end notes, and a kids’ page designed for families to study the topic together. This lesson on the first commandment goes with the sermon "The One and Only."

We live in a world that increasingly believes it is too mature for worship. Scientific discoveries, technological advancements and educational expansion are buying up much of the public square, leaving little room for the supernatural. Science seems to be cornering the marketplace of ideas and people of faith are finding it increasingly difficult to find places where they can convincingly share their ideals. Many people are disillusioned by faith with many walking away from church. "Nones" or people who have chosen to have no faith are on the rise. Popular culture seems to be flushing all things religious. Atheism, the belief there is no god, is presented in our day as the most rational way to approach life. "An atheist in this sense of philosophical naturalist is somebody who believes there is nothing beyond the natural, physical world, no supernatural creative intelligence lurking behind the observable universe, no soul that outlasts the body and no miracles—except in the sense of natural phenomena that we don’t yet understand" (Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion, 35). Given enough time, the "philosophical naturalist" will figure all things out and no longer need a god to explain the world. 

In much of our modern world, God appears dead and all is pronounced secular. That is until you go to world of cinema. Gods are "alive and well" in the realm of 21st century entertainment. Marvel, DC, Disney Plus, Apple TV, Netflix and Amazon Prime are all awash with new creations of the theological. Hundreds of millions of dollars are flowing into entertainment media coffers from hordes of people consuming the supernatural. Wonder Woman's origin story is from Greek mythology. Thor and Loki are from the Norse pantheon. Dr. Strange uses spells to help Spider-Man. Peter Quill is the child of a celestial being and an earthly mother. He becomes known as Starlord and resurrects from an ill-timed death and serves as a Guardian of the Galaxy. Avengers are now Eternals. If secular humanism is our ticket to the future, Hollywood is not buying. In 2019 alone, the Marvel Cinematic Universe amassed over five billion dollars through its film endeavors. Worship is alive and well on our planet. Movie theaters and home cinemas are our new cathedrals. Atheists have not stamped out the "God Delusion." Instead, they have created a "god vacuum" that ticket buyers and media subscribers have willingly filled. 

Humans, whether ivy tower elites or cave dwelling primitives, will always worship. Because we are created in the image of God, we will never erase our need to connect with our Creator. Even when atheism becomes the official position of a government, people will often fall into the cultish practice of emperor or empire worship. Instead of fighting our need to worship or worshiping anything and everything, a wise person would do well to figure out how to worship well. 

Worship begins with an object. As humans we are compelled to worship something. Some will think that worshipping all things is the best move. But that logic quickly devolves to self-worship. If we are worshiping many things, then we are picking and choosing the "winners and losers" and we become our own god or the ultimate power over our own choices. We would do well to find the best thing or the best person to worship. Embracing many gods leads to self-exaltation. Acceptance of one God is an act of humility. Seeking the One True God may cost me much and may challenge all of my vices and fears. And yet this is the true path of true worship. Finding the truth and following the truth is not science. In reality it is worship. 

The God of the Bible warns us against the danger of "no gods" (Psalms 14:1) and of many gods (Exodus 20:3). The One True God will not tolerate other gods "before" him. What are you doing to fill this "worship vacuum" in your soul? Are you trying to fill it with science? Are you trying to flood it with superheroes? What would happen if you actually worshiped the One True God? 

Central Message of the Text

As the foundation of your obedience, worship God alone, allowing nothing to compete with his priority in your heart and life.

Family Talk

I am a forgetful person. As much as I would like to blame it on “mom-brain” or simply having too many things to remember at once, I think that most of us could agree that forgetfulness is just a symptom of having a “human-brain.” As I read verse 3 of Exodus 20, I couldn’t help but notice God’s reminder to the Israelites in verses 1 and 2, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” Recently in our home group, we have been sharing our personal testimonies. It has been such a blessed reminder of God’s goodness through all of the difficult struggles, as well as the good times! When we remember what God has done in the we can bring our focus back to who He is, and why He is the only one worthy of our allegiance. When we see the areas where we have past given our allegiance to something (or someone) in addition to the one true God, He will show us why it wasn’t worth it. Parents, as you seek to impress upon the hearts of your children that God is the only one worthy of worship and affection and that they are His image-bearers, I pray that you will examine your life and model for them a heart that is conformed to His image on a daily basis. Allow the Lord to show you any areas where you may be dividing your allegiance and affections. May the gods of our sinful desires be put to death! We are praying for you!