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Why I Go on Mission Trips

by Madison Upton on

Mission trips are undeniably challenging. So, why do people commit to these missions? Why do people take time to go into the uncomfortable and do hard things? I will tell you why I do.


How God Is Working in Cuba

by Manny Fernandez on

Even while Cuba faces immense challenges, leaders have referred to it as “God’s Greenhouse” because of the rapid growth of the Gospel and the numerous churches planted there in the past two decades. 


7 Things You Might Not Know About Bible Translation

by Amy Nickerson on

Many people around the globe crave God’s Word but continue to go hungry. Bible translation exists to right this wrong—to set the table and invite everyone to taste and see that the Lord is good. Here are seven things you might be surprised to learn about Bible translation.


God's Gift of Gospel Suffering

by David Daniels on

To willingly accept the likely inconveniences that come with the Gospel mission—large or small—is to embrace Christ, our suffering Savior. We are never more like Jesus than when we endure the harder thing in our attempt to make known Jesus and His Gospel.


Following God Anywhere—Even with Kids

by Kimberly R. on

Our children need to see us exercise faith in God. Regardless of what He calls us to do or where He calls us to serveeven if it's a little scary, we can include our children and we can rest assured that He is our secure Fortress. 


Send Me?

How a prayer meeting landed me on a Russian riverbank

by Libby Slaughter on

Was God really prompting me to go to Russia? My faith felt fledgling at best, but I had never been without spiritual resources in my life, and students there had written to us, desperate to learn more of Jesus. How could I not share the best gift I'd ever been given?


Missional Goal

by David Daniels on

This Missions Sunday message from the "Making God Known" series focuses on Habakkuk 2:14 and the Core Competency of Worship.


Reaching Muslims in America

by A., Next Step Disciple Guest Author

How can we reach Muslims in America for Christ? The information and slides from a breakout session presentation at a recent missions conference provide helpful insights.


Missional Prayer

by David Daniels on

This message from the "Making God Known" series focuses on Matthew 9:35-38 and the Core Competency of Prayer.