Do you feel like you are too much or not enough? This insecurity compels us to compare ourselves with others as we spend countless hours on a works treadmill running ourselves weary as we try to measure up. The truth is we will never find the acceptance and worth our hearts yearn for by comparing ourselves to or competing with others because the unending approval that God offers us in Jesus is beyond compare. 

This 2023 Women's Fall Gathering from Central Bible Church includes a talk from Jenny Black, showing from Scripture the value we have in Christ and how it frees us from comparison.

Worship Leaders: Brittany Pruitt and Brooke Neff
Emcee: Kristi Briggs
Speaker: Jenny Black

To skip to the talk, you can fast forward to these time increments in the video:

  • Speaker introduction: 23:20
  • Start of “Beyond Compare” talk: 25:00

Jenny's talk included two clips from The Chosen. Although we could not include them in the video, links to those clips are below:

About the Author

Jenny Black (Master of Social Work, The University of Texas at Arlington) is the Central Counseling Director and Women's Minister at Central Bible Church.