1 Peter Bible Study - Lesson 5

by Johnathon Valdez on

Bible Studies 3 min read
1 Peter 2:4–10

1 Peter 2:4-10

Background: Most likely written under the power of Emperor Nero around 64-67 AD. Peter is at the height of his influence in the church and he uses that influence to “shepherd the flock” that has been entrusted to him by Jesus. Peter wrote this book with the intention of encouraging believers in Jesus to persevere through the current circumstance. He also desired that the leaders would lead them well as though they are doing it for Jesus, the Chief Shepherd.

Lesson: This passage explains the position of God’s people. In verses 4-10 Peter uses an impressive amount of Old Testament citations with the sole purpose of showing that believers in God, through Jesus Christ, are in an esteemed position to God. Believers are to function in a way that helps bring others to God through devotion to God and to maintain a lifestyle that pleases God. This can only be done once we acknowledge Jesus as the cornerstone and are built upon Him.

Main Point/Takeaway: God has called us to into his plan and calls us to have a lifestyle of devotion to Him that draws other to Him.

Questions: (These questions are suggestions designed to spur discussion. Feel free to ask others.)

1: Why do you think Peter says the living stone was “rejected by men”?

            1a: Read Psalm 118:22, Isaiah 8.14 and Isaiah 28:12. What do you think is the significance of these passages in 1 Peter 2?

2: What differences does Peter make between “men” and “God”? v.4

            2a: Why is something precious to God considered trash to men?

            2b: Is it possible to know what God considers precious?

3: Peter has already compared Jesus to a living stone. Why would he call believers a living stone?

4: Why do you think Peter explains what we, as living stones, are being built into?

5: What are the responsibilities of Jesus’ followers as laid out in 1 Peter 2:5?

6: Read v. 10, then read Hosea 1:6-9 and make comparisons between the two passages.

 Conclusion: We have just broken down one of the most biblically based passages in the Bible. We can recognize the importance of what Peter emphasizes when we know the Scripture references he makes. These references seemingly flowed out of Peter from an internal knowledge of the Old Testament. Without understanding of those citations, the letter from Peter would have had much less impact on believers.

As we share in the glory of God, we are to act as those God has shown mercy toward and made His own. As believers in Jesus, our lives should be ones of devotion to God in all areas, and not just Wednesday and Sunday. We stand strong and secure because of who we stand on.

About the Author

Johnathon Valdez (MA in Christian Education, Dallas Theological Seminary) served for seven years as the Junior High Pastor at Central Bible Church.