A Mustard Seed of Faith

by Madison Upton on

Articles 5 min read
Mark 4:30–34

How much of the Bible do you believe to be true about who God is? We know that He is all-powerful because of a multitude of verses explaining His omnipotence over all things. Matthew 19:26 simply states that things are impossible for man, but nothing is impossible for God. This is because of His great power. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we rest in this exact power. It is no longer up to us to accomplish anything, but rather we are vessels that the Lord can use, and in His infinite power and wisdom He will task us for His glory.

In Mark 4:30-34, Jesus explains the mustard seed. Although it is the smallest of all the seeds, it grows into the largest plant, outgrowing everything around it. When we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can do extraordinary things for the Kingdom of God. We do not have to have everything figured out or have our life all together. We simply rest in the power of our risen Savior, and even the tiniest amount of faith can allow us to partner with Him in the craziest of situations, all for the glory of God.

If Jesus wanted to encourage people to have a lot of faith or to demonstrate what the Kingdom of God looks like, the last thing He should have used to explain this was a mustard seed. These are the tiniest of seeds and the people listening to this would have been very aware of that. Not only is an individual mustard seed small, but it is insignificant. There are so many better pieces of imagery to use for this! Or so the people would have thought. But Jesus chose this tiny and insignificant seed for this parable on purpose. He was aware of how the people would interpret this story, and He used it to teach them, as well as us.

The Kingdom of God is what Jesus wants people to focus on in these verses. He makes this clear by telling a parable where He makes the focus a mustard seed. We can compare the mustard seed to the Kingdom of God. We as believers begin our journey with the Lord with little understanding that grows over time as we understand the heart of God better. We grow to have more confidence in what we are capable of when we rely on Him, because we see God’s power and how it is consistent and mighty. We have the ability to grow like the mustard seed does, all for the glory of the Lord.

As we grow in our faith, we will repeatedly see the Lord be faithful. It is part of His character, and because He is the same yesterday and today and forever, we can have confidence that He will remain faithful. As we walk with the Lord, our small faith that begins no bigger than a mustard seed will begin to sprout and grow dramatically. When we partner with God in His plan and accept His will for our lives, we will fall more in love with God, and our heart to glorify Him will grow. This is one way that the Kingdom of God will in turn be strengthened and grow.

In the first line of this article, you were asked how much you believe the Bible for what it says about who God is. This question is pertinent because if you do not believe that the God of the Bible is true, you will not want to partner with Him. You will be deterred from giving your life to Him. This is a crucial question to ask yourself as you go forward.

Stop here and take time to pray, asking God to reveal to you what pieces of His character you do not believe or are confused by.

As I prepared to graduate with my undergraduate degree back in 2018, I worked diligently to plan my future. The plan I created sounded perfect, but it was not what God had planned for me. Everything I expected went away and the Lord ushered in a new plan. I was afraid and unsure, but I followed the Lord and He led me to work at Central Bible Church, a place I had not been to or even heard of, where I have been able to be part of growing the Kingdom of God. The plan I had concocted did not have the same capacity for growing the body of believers in the way this new plan does. I did not have the whole picture, but God did, and He knew what was better for my life and for His glory.

I had faith the size of a mustard seed, with a heavy helping of nervousness and uncertainty, but God used that all for His glory and for the growth of His Kingdom. When God calls you to something, He will always be there, walking in step with you. He will never lead you to something to leave you there to accomplish tasks in your own strength. Take leaps of faith and watch as the Lord remains faithful through it all. All you need is faith the size of a mustard seed, and God, in His infinite power and wisdom, will use it for things you could not even have dreamed.

About the Author

Madison Upton (M.A. in Global Leadership, Dallas Baptist University) is Missions Director at Central Bible Church.