Heading into Battle

by Manny Fernandez on

Articles 2 min read
Ephesians 6:10–18

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12

National Geographic recently ran an article about the Alaskan bull moose. The males of the species battle for dominance during the fall breeding season, literally going head-to-head with antlers crunching together as they collide. Often the antlers, their only weapon, are broken. That ensures defeat. The heftiest moose, with the largest and strongest antlers, triumphs. Therefore, the battle fought in the fall is really won during the summer, when the moose eat continually. The one that consumes the best diet for growing antlers and gaining weight will be the heavyweight in the fight. Those that eat inadequately sport weaker antlers and less bulk. This principle is similar to the spiritual war that we are each in the middle of every day.

Often we look at things going on all around us and we believe that if only if weren’t for those people, or if only the circumstances were different, or if only we were stronger, we could get more things done for God. The fact of the matter is that God doesn’t need us. He is more than able to accomplish His plans. However, He invites us to be a part of his work and thus we are a part of the fight. But our perspective must change, because our fight is not against these powers that we see; rather, it is against the spiritual forces that are at work around us.

Jesus made it very clear that there is an invisible spiritual world that interacts with our world. We don’t know everything about this world, but we do know that every day there is a war that is going on, and God tells us that the way we defend ourselves, as well as launch an offensive, is by using the armor described in Ephesians 6:10-18. As the moose prepares for the fall by eating in the summer, so we must prepare for our work for God by learning to use this armor prior to the spiritual battles we may face.


  • Pray that God will make you more aware of the battle that is going on all around you.
  • Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and write down practical ways that you can begin “putting on” the armor of God to help you in living your life on mission.

About the Author

Manny Fernandez (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, and current D.Min. student) has served in global missions and as Student Pastor at Central Bible Church. He is now the President of World Link Ministries.