Manny Fernandez

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How God Is Working in Cuba

by Manny Fernandez on

Even while Cuba faces immense challenges, leaders have referred to it as “God’s Greenhouse” because of the rapid growth of the Gospel and the numerous churches planted there in the past two decades. 


The Value of Planting Churches Worldwide

by Manny Fernandez on

The Church is God's instrument for carrying out His mission worldwide. In the book of Acts, Paul traveled to various cities, sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and establishing churches that would continue the mission after he left. This was the first church-planting process. Statistically, church-planting is the fastest way to spread the Gospel.


A Heart of Compassion

by Manny Fernandez on

We are used to thinking of ourselves as the main character of our life’s story. We look at others and justify why we shouldn’t help them. But God moves us in and out of other people’s stories, where the compassion He desires to show through us should motivate us to action.


Living Hope

Looking Forward to the Lord's Return

by Various Authors on

God’s people are living between two important times in history—the first coming of Christ and the promise of His return in glory. In his second letter to the Thessalonian church, Paul encourages Christians to continue living with their hope set on the Lord’s return. This sermon series focuses on the book of 2 Thessalonians.


Heading into Battle

by Manny Fernandez on

Because we are part of God's work, we are part of a fight against the spiritual forces at work around us. We need to prepare for the battle.