James Bible Study - Lesson 2

by Johnathon Valdez on

Bible Studies 2 min read
James 1:19–25


Scripture: James 1:19-25

Background: Potentially written between 46-48 AD. James addresses a lot of the same themes as the apostle Peter, his contemporary. One of the biggest differences the reader will notice is that the book of James can seemingly function as the “Proverbs” of the New Testament. With plenty of short quips concerning lifestyle change, the book is sometimes difficult to follow, but also has an amazing amount of practicality that spans well beyond the original desired audience. Many scholars believe the heart of James’ message is to keep the worldliness of the church out of the church in whatever form it may take.

Lesson: As we build on the previous lesson on how to behave in trials, we see the summary in James 1:19-20. As followers of Jesus we should be quick to hear from God and slow to react in our flesh. What follows in James 1:22-25 is essentially the recipe for success. You are only able to meet the standards of verse 20 by putting away all filthiness and wickedness. Instead of just hearing the Lord speak, we must remember to act on what is said. When we forget to act on what God says, we are not using the Word for its intended purpose, as seen in the illustration James gives in verse 24.       

Main Point/Takeaway: But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. (James 1:22)

Questions: (These questions are suggestions designed to spur discussion. Feel free to ask others.)

1: How does verse 19 connect with the previous passage?

2: How do verses 19-20 function as the summary of the previous passage?

            2a: Why do you think James says we should be quick to hear and slow to speak?

            2b: Why would James give us this particular order instead of another?

3: What does it look like to get rid of the filthiness in your life?

            3a: What is keeping you from giving all of it to Jesus?

4: How can you be a “doer” of the word instead of just a “hearer”?

5: Read vv. 24-25. What stands out to you?

            5a: How does this passage make sense in light of the whole passage?

 Conclusion: As we work through the book of James we will encounter verses and passages that make us think deeply about the meaning of James’ words. The latter half of this passage is no exception. James clearly wants believers to act on what God says, it isn’t enough to simply listen to God. Christians must follow through with the commands of God.  

About the Author

Johnathon Valdez (MA in Christian Education, Dallas Theological Seminary) served for seven years as the Junior High Pastor at Central Bible Church.