James Bible Study - Lesson 6

by Johnathon Valdez on

Bible Studies 2 min read
James 3:1–12


Scripture: James 3:1-12

Background: Potentially written between 46-48 AD. James addresses a lot of the same themes as the apostle Peter, his contemporary. One of the biggest differences is that the reader will notice the book of James can seemingly function as the “Proverbs” of the New Testament. With plenty of short quips of lifestyle change the book is sometimes difficult to follow but also has an amazing amount of practicality that spans well beyond the original desired audience. Many scholars believe the heart of James’ message is to keep the worldliness of the church out of the church in whatever form it may take.

 Lesson: James transitions from doing effective works into a powerful illustration on taming the tongue, found in James 3:2-12. The illustration shows how a tiny instrument can control a large animal. With the amount of repetition James provides in this passage, we must pay careful attention to the main point of his story. Followers of Christ are to take special care to guard their tongue and all that flows from it. James reminds the reader that every creature can be tamed but none has been found able to tame the tongue. It is with the tongue that followers of Christ can both bless God and curse others that are made in His image. We are called to remain diligent and watchful for things that are sparked by the power of our tongue.          

Main Point/Takeaway: Followers of Christ are to take special care to guard their tongues.

Questions: (These questions are suggestions designed to spur discussion. Feel free to ask others.)

1: Read James 3:1-12.         

            1a: What sticks out?

2: Consider v. 2 and vv. 9-12.  What is meant by a “perfect” man?

3: Read vv. 3-6.

            3a: Why would James use multiple illustrations for the same point?

            3b: What emphasis could James be trying to make?

4: Why do you think no one is able to tame the tongue?

            4a: What keeps us from taming our tongue?

5: Why is it important for followers of Christ to tame their tongue?


About the Author

Johnathon Valdez (MA in Christian Education, Dallas Theological Seminary) served for seven years as the Junior High Pastor at Central Bible Church.