Our Top 10 Resources of 2023

4 min read
1 Chronicles 16:24

The Next Step Disciple website launched on January 15, 2023, and had a great first year, with 26,648 unique visitors from 122 countries, hundreds of thousands of page views, and even a Best in Class award from the Evangelical Press Association. We currently have nearly 1,000 spiritual formation resources published on the site, from more than 50 contributors.

We are grateful to all our readers and subscribers for following and sharing our content, and we pray God will continue to use it to help disciple and equip His people around the world to be effective as ambassadors for Christ.

Here are our 10 most-viewed resouces of 2023!

  1. A Pastor’s Journey with Anxiety – article by Roger Sappington
    “As I’ve journeyed through various seasons with anxiety, the Lord has taught me about walking with Him through it, as well as walking alongside those who are navigating similar challenges.”

  2. The Sun Will Come Out Tamara: A Testimony – article by Tranece Harris
    Tranece and her husband weren't ready for a third child. But when baby Tamara's life was in jeopardy, God used her to shift their perspective on what life is all about.

  3. Homeschooling as an Opportunity for Discipleship – article by Laura Lee Ellis
    As Christian parents, we are commanded to teach our children the ways of the Lord. No matter what schooling choice we make, we can be intentional in teaching our children to love God and people. 

  4. Proof of Life – sermon by David Daniels
    This sermon on 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10 discusses the proof of being spiritually alive: working faith in Jesus, active love for God and others, and steadfast hope in eternity.

  5. It's a Wonderful (Single) Life – article by Libby Slaughter
    Our culture's views of singleness can make single people feel like something is wrong with the picture. But God’s leading in our lives is always better, whether our culture, our families or dating apps agree. 

  6. Tillie Burgin: Saying Yes to Jesus – article by Alison Dellenbaugh
    For the better part of a century, Tillie Burgin, founder and Executive Director of Mission Arlington, has been saying “yes” to Jesus in ways that have changed communities and thousands of lives, one person at a time.

  7. Lessons from the Storehouse: 6 Ways to Love Your Neighbors – article by Jon Rhiddlehoover
    In serving thousands of our neighbors, the Central Storehouse food pantry has learned many lessons along the way. This article lists 6 principles they've found especially helpful for loving your neighbors well.

  8. Next Step Discipleship – book by David Daniels
    The Christian life is a call to join God's global purposes. In this book, discover a simple spiritual pathway to lead you along the road to greater missional living. 

  9. Lessons from Ground Zero – article by David Daniels
    As we commemorate 9/11/2001, we remember that our real enemy is spiritual and that the good of God will be the final stroke in the history of the world.

  10. Caring for the Orphan: What's Your Piece? – article by Haley Coon
    One of the greatest lessons the Lord has taught us through foster care and adoption is that He can restore all things, including the unmet needs of even the smallest, meekest members of our population. We aren't all called to foster or adopt, but we are all called to help the vulnerable.