Pray. Wait. Listen.

From Waiting with God

by Matt Koceich on

Devotionals 2 min read
Genesis 6:9

Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.
Genesis 6:9

Noah really had to wait on God. It took one hundred and twenty years to build the ark! God could have performed some kind of miraculous event that would save Noah and his family from the flood, but instead chose to give him specific plans and the ability to first build the ark and then rescue the animals along with his family.

Noah was guided into the ark just as he guided the animals in, so that it would just be him in complete reliance upon the Lord. Some estimates say that Noah was on the ark for a year! That experience surely grew his faith exponentially. Just as Jesus would later say that He controls the wind and waves, in the waiting, Noah also understood that his life and that his family and children and animals all rested safely God’s hands. For a year, they floated on the water, waiting for dry land.

Noah’s obedience as he waited with God becomes a forever blessing to those of us on this side of history as we read how Noah made a decision to trust God, even though he had no idea of the outcome. Whatever you are waiting with God for, please believe that He only wants what’s best for you. Pray. Wait. Listen to Him guide you to the all the places he wants you to go. It’s there where you will step out and really feel His unending love for you!

Lord, please help me think of Noah and everything he went through as a wait for Your perfect will and timing. Help me think about Your instructions and Your truth, should temptations arise to follow my own path to make the waiting go quicker.

What is God giving you today as you wait with Him?

About the Author

Matt Koceich is the 2021 Christian Book Award finalist in the Children's category and author of the IMAGINE Bible adventure series for kids. He lives in Mansfield, Texas with his wife Cindi and their four children.