Waiting for a Turnaround

From Waiting with God

by Matt Koceich on

Devotionals 2 min read
Jonah 2:1

In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me.
Jonah 2:1

Sometimes we may not be waiting on that one fleeting prayer to finally be answered. Sometimes we are desperately waiting for life to come back down to “normal.” We’ve been possibly waiting on a diagnosis, or a family member to return to the faith. Maybe we’re waiting on any ounce of good news that could come and brighten our day.

Jonah is the perfect example of how waiting with God in these situations makes everything better in the end. Jonah was minding his own business when God asked him to go to Nineveh. Of course, Jonah wanted no part of that idea and decided to take matters into his own hands. You probably know the story by heart, but there are different aspects of Jonah waiting with God through his entire ordeal.

To begin with, Jonah disobeys and gets on the boat and feels like his choice has made things right, even though we know that’s not the case. Fast forward and he’s jumping off the boat to save the crew because of his mistake, then he’s waiting in the water, realizing that his life never left God’s hands. Next, he’s in the whale waiting on the Lord, not knowing how long that’s going to last, but that’s where we find one of the most beautiful prayers in the Bible. That’s where we see Jonah’s heart become aligned with God’s.

Finally, as Jonah is walking the streets of Nineveh, the last place on earth he wanted to be, he waited with the Lord as he went about sharing the good news. Jonah, despite his initial disobedience, became a blessing when he allowed himself to fully rely and trust God’s plan for his life.

Lord, I am so like Jonah. There are a handful of things I wish could be different. There are a handful of things that I wish would end. And if I’m honest, there are days I think that if I were only doing something different, things would be better. Please forgive me of my selfishness. Open my eyes and help me wait with You, and while I’m waiting glorify Your holy and precious name. Amen.

What is God giving you today as you wait with Him?

About the Author

Matt Koceich is the 2021 Christian Book Award finalist in the Children's category and author of the IMAGINE Bible adventure series for kids. He lives in Mansfield, Texas with his wife Cindi and their four children.