God's Sovereignty

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Not a Chance

by Matt Koceich on

You are not a “chance” but an intention. God intended to give you life, and He intended to give you a Savior. He invites you to believe that His plans for you are better than anything you could create on your own.


Don't Look Now, But You're in a Wilderness

by Randall Merrill on

If nothing changes in spite of your efforts, you are likely in a wilderness situation. God has put you there for a reason, and He has kept you there for a reason. Knowing that He has a design, even when His hand is unseen, will help you make it through your wilderness experience successfully.


It's Not Time

From Waiting with God

by Matt Koceich on

God isn’t off doing other things and leaving you all alone without a plan. He has given you this day as a gift for you and Him to be together. Focus on His promise that He is with you, just like He was with David.


God Goes Before You

From Waiting with God

by Matt Koceich on

David's waiting reminds us that as you wait with God, He shifts your heart from fear to faith. No matter how overwhelming your circumstances seem, He goes before you to help you be victorious in your battles.


Heart Change

From Waiting with God

by Matt Koceich on

To an outsider, all Joseph’s life looked like was prison and abandonment, but to God it was something much different. Joseph stayed connected to God and let his heart be changed in the waiting. Eventually, the Lord saved many lives through his faithfulness.


Right Where You Need To Be

30 Days in Exile Devotionals - Day 29

by Roger Sappington on

God has provided what you need and placed you where you need to be. Set your heart on how to join him in the work he is accomplishing where you are.


In the Driver's Seat

30 Days in Exile Devotionals - Day 1

by Roger Sappington on

If God had good intentions for his people, why would he allow them to go into exile?