Salvation by Grace

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Batteries Included

by David Daniels on

This message from the “People Get Ready” sermon series focuses on 2 Peter 1:1-4 and the Core Competency of Salvation by Grace.


For Whom Christ Died

by David Daniels on

All of us have had our hand on the cross, heaving it to the place of death, and hoisting Jesus into the air. Jesus died because of all of us. And Jesus died for all of us. No one is automatically saved by Jesus, but everyone can be saved by Jesus because His death is for the world.


How Jesus Changed the Life of a Pakistani Boy

by Hinnan Herbert on

When Hinnan was 11, a team from Campus Crusade for Christ came to his town in Pakistan to show the Jesus Film on a grand multimedia screen. For those fleeting two hours, he felt as though he encountered the living presence of Jesus.


Stranger Things

by David Daniels on

This first message in the "Higher Up” series focuses on 1 Peter 1:1-2 and the Core Competency of Salvation by Grace.


Higher Up

Looking, Living, and Longing for the Life To Come

by David Daniels and Roger Sappington on

Christians are strangers in this world and, therefore, don’t look like this world. Our alien disposition can invite suffering, the consequence of being aligned with Jesus rather than our culture. In his letter to a church under pressure, the Apostle Peter encourages God’s people to live surprising, Christ-centered, and Kingdom-oriented lives as they look forward to the glory to come. Through the important book of 1 Peter, the church today is reminded that we are not of this world and must look, live, and long for a life that is "higher up."


God chooses the insignificant to do significant things for his kingdom

by Braydon Rasberry on

Growing up as a pastor's kid had perks. I trusted Christ at an early age and loved growing up in the church. It wasn't until high school that my secret sin started to grow. When I realized my sin, I viewed myself as worthless. Why would God choose me to lead other people to Him?


Remember Your Salvation

by Kara Gunn on

As believers in Christ, it is helpful to regularly remember our salvation. The day you were forgiven of your sins, you were made a new creation. Reflecting on this miraculous transformation gives us great hope as we live in this fallen world. 


Perpetual Faith

by David Daniels on

This message from the "I Believe" series focuses on Proverbs 3:5-6 and the Core Competency of Salvation by Grace.