1 Peter Bible Study - Lesson 6

by Johnathon Valdez on

Bible Studies 3 min read
1 Peter 2:11–25

1 Peter 2:11-25

Background: Most likely written under the power of Emperor Nero around 64-67 AD. Peter is at the height of his influence in the church and he uses that influence to “shepherd the flock” that has been entrusted to him by Jesus. Peter wrote this book with the intention of encouraging believers in Jesus to persevere through the current circumstance. He also desired that the leaders would lead them well as though they are doing it for Jesus, the Chief Shepherd.

Lesson: As we have been working through 1 Peter, we now come to what appears to be a summary of all that Peter has written up to this point and now propels us onto the next section of Peter’s letter.

Peter reminds the readers of their status through the use of sojourner and exile, and urges them to resist the flesh and behave in obedience to God. In verses 13-14, he makes a bold claim that all believers should submit to human authority. After such a claim, verses 15-25 give the reader insight into Peter’s logic in writing such a statement; in this passage readers can see that believers in God are to be subject to Him first and foremost. That reality should be our foundational motive for all that we do. From there all other authority will be viewed through the lens of submission to God.

Main Point/Takeaway: Our obedience to God will result in others’ glorification of God.

Questions: (These questions are suggestions designed to spur discussion. Feel free to ask others.)

1: How does 1 Peter 2:11 summarize what has been said up to this point?

            1: Consider 1 Peter 1:14-15. How do those verses inform your understanding of 2:11?

2.What is conduct?

            2a: What does Peter is the reason for keeping conduct honorable before Gentiles? v. 12

            2b: How does our conduct bring glory to God?

3: In verses 13-17 Peter gives us a small list of priorities. What are they?

            3a: Where does Peter lump the emperor in the list of priorities?

            3b. Why do you think this is a big deal?

4: Break down vv. 15-17.

            4a: How does doing good silence ignorance?

            4b: How can your “freedom” be used to cover up evil?

            4c. What should we do as believers?

5. Verses 18-25 discuss how believers are to live in light of their submission. In what ways does this passage encourage you?

            5a: Consider Deuteronomy 21;22-23. How do these verses inform the way you think about Jesus’ death?

Conclusion: As you go throughout your week, remember the power your actions have to bring glory to God. Just because you submit to rules and regulations doesn’t mean you fully agree with them. We as believers are called by God to submit to authority and rejoice in it. Read vv. 15-17.

About the Author

Johnathon Valdez (MA in Christian Education, Dallas Theological Seminary) served for seven years as the Junior High Pastor at Central Bible Church.