How Short-Term Missions Have Long-Term Impact

by Madison Upton on

Articles 5 min read
Matthew 28:18–20 Acts 15:41

When people think of missions, they often think of people living in a hut helping starving children in Africa. And while there are people that do that, there is so much more to missions. The needs around the world are great and they don’t stop at food needs. People also need access to the gospel, theologically trained pastors, support in their ministry, etc. The list truly goes on and on, and there are people all over the globe working towards these efforts. Those who live on the ground are doing long-term missions and ministry. They are in it for the long haul and that is a beautiful thing! We need people to give their lives to make God known, and in fact we are called to do so. Jesus has commissioned all believers to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). It is important that we answer this call through going to distant places.

One of the best ways we can help our long-term missionaries and ministry partners is by sending short-term mission teams. Short-term mission teams have myriad options for what they can do to help further missions happening around the world. At Central Bible Church, one of our goals for any short-term team being sent is that they are helpful in the mission already being done by our Global Partners and Ministry Partners. Our Global Partners are people from our church whom we have sent out on mission, and we are so blessed by all that they do. We also support the work of various Ministry Partners already serving in other parts of the world. We work with our Partners and ask if there are needs that could be met if we sent a team to one of the places they serve. Those who have need help us to plan a trip. We sent teams this year to do an English camp, build a home for a family in need, help mobilize locals to share the gospel, train leaders, etc. Short-term teams have the ability to do very diverse work as we come alongside our Partners in ways they need.

A critical piece of successful short-term missions is to have someone who is able to carry out or finish a task that was started by a team. If there is no one to further relationships with people who have been ministered to, then it is almost not worth it to send people. If we were to send a mobilization team to share the gospel with people and encourage them to now share it with those around them, and then leave 6 days later, what would those locals do when they have questions about the gospel? We want them to have next steps and people who can help, so our Partners on the ground are right there ready to come alongside them. Short-term teams are helpful in getting big things done quickly and this can be a tremendous help to those on the ground who work to carry out their mission in their daily life.

Short-term teams are a huge blessing to our Partners. The work of a missionary is very difficult and can often be lonely. Sending teams to care for and assist our Partners helps rejuvenate those who have moved far away for the sake of the gospel. As the body of Christ we act as family to those who have given their lives to ministry. Going to visit people who have left the comforts of their home to move across the continent or across the ocean to make God known is a huge encouragement and boost for our Partners. Likewise, local leaders we team with in distant places often ask us to come, and express deep appreciation for the love they feel and the unity they experience with the worldwide Church when people travel to see and participate in what they are doing to serve the Lord. The example Paul set when he traveled to strengthen the Church in various areas (Acts 15:41) is still worth following today. We care for the longevity of people’s ability to do ministry long term, and sending teams can often be the encouragement they need to continue. 

It’s a beautiful thing to care for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, and it will greatly bless those who go on mission as they bless the Partners they go to see. Short-term mission team participants will experience a new way of life on their trip. They will learn a new culture, eat new food, and meet people who look, talk and act differently than them. The experience is deeply impactful. God has created an incredible world for us to enjoy, and a huge piece of short-term trips is getting to enjoy what God has made while you expand your worldview. Every game played, task accomplished and person loved on a short-term trip will go a long way in the Kingdom for the person who goes and learns that the world is so much bigger than what they know personally. God has created all things on purpose and for a purpose, and seeing things for the first time on these trips will bless the hearts of those who go.

If you feel God’s call to go on a mission trip, lean in. Expect to be stretched, strengthened, encouraged, burdened and intrigued by the world around you. You will be deeply blessed by your “yes” to serve the nations for God’s glory.

About the Author

Madison Upton (M.A. in Global Leadership, Dallas Baptist University) is Missions Director at Central Bible Church.