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Why I Go on Mission Trips

by Madison Upton on

Mission trips are undeniably challenging. So, why do people commit to these missions? Why do people take time to go into the uncomfortable and do hard things? I will tell you why I do.


The Value of Planting Churches Worldwide

by Manny Fernandez on

The Church is God's instrument for carrying out His mission worldwide. In the book of Acts, Paul traveled to various cities, sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and establishing churches that would continue the mission after he left. This was the first church-planting process. Statistically, church-planting is the fastest way to spread the Gospel.


God's Gift of Gospel Suffering

by David Daniels on

To willingly accept the likely inconveniences that come with the Gospel mission—large or small—is to embrace Christ, our suffering Savior. We are never more like Jesus than when we endure the harder thing in our attempt to make known Jesus and His Gospel.


Reaching Muslims in America

by A., Next Step Disciple Guest Author

How can we reach Muslims in America for Christ? The information and slides from a breakout session presentation at a recent missions conference provide helpful insights.


Next Step Church - Amharic

by David Daniels on

A downloadable PDF of the book Next Step Church in Amharic, to equip pastors and ministry leaders who speak Amharic to lead their people into missional living.


Next Step Church - Romanian

Pasii Bisericii

by David Daniels on

A downloadable PDF of the book Next Step Church in Romanian, to equip pastors and ministry leaders who speak Romanian to lead their people into missional living


The Goers and the Senders

Raising support for mission trips

by Madison Upton on

Those who provide funds for your mission trip are partnering with not just you, but also with the Lord as they send you to the nations with the gospel. In God's mission it is both the goers and the senders who participate, and both will be blessed as they partner to accomplish God's work.


Shine the Light

by Marilyn Murray on

If we are available to God’s leading, there will be someone to minister to. Pray that God will make you available today and show you where you can shine His light.