James Bible Study - Lesson 7

by Johnathon Valdez on

Bible Studies 3 min read
James 3:13–18

James 3:13-18

Background: Potentially written between 46-48 AD. James addresses a lot of the same themes as the apostle Peter, his contemporary. One of the biggest differences is that the reader will notice the book of James can seemingly function as the “Proverbs” of the New Testament. With plenty of short quips of lifestyle change the book is sometimes difficult to follow but also has an amazing amount of practicality that spans well beyond the original desired audience. Many scholars believe the heart of James’ message is to keep the worldliness of the church out of the church in whatever form it may take.

Lesson: With a firm grasp of truly effective faith and the power of the tongue, we can easily understand James 3:13-18. James starts this passage with a probing question that leads to an answer to his own question. According to James it is only through good conduct that true wisdom is produced and noticed by others. We should note, however, that James is not asking who has the most theological knowledge but who is practically living out their wisdom, which James considers as synonymous with spiritual humility.

With this in mind, we can conclude that true wisdom produces good works and humility before God. This idea is made clear when one reads the antithesis of wisdom in James 3:5-16. True wisdom only comes from seeking God and being submissive to His authority. Consider what it says in Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 2:9 and Proverbs 2:20. As followers of Jesus, we are to actively live in the reality of God’s wisdom that produces an attitude of boasting only in God.       

Main Point/Takeaway: It is only through humility that good conduct produces true wisdom that can be noticed by others.

Questions: (These questions are suggestions designed to spur discussion. Feel free to ask others.)

1: How does our passage (James 3:13-18) connect with the previous passage?

            1a: What stands out to you?

2: What does James mean by “meekness of wisdom”?

            2a: What is meekness? (Humility)

            2b: How does meekness relate to wisdom?

3: Read vv. 13-14. How do these verses relate to each other? (They are opposites.)

4: What is the difference between earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom?

            4a: How can you tell the difference between the two?

Conclusion: As we go about living the Christian life it is vital that we remain humble in all that we do. Regardless of how much knowledge or how many Bibles we have, we should look to the example of Christ’s humility and be imitators. It is only through humility that good conduct produces true wisdom that can be noticed by others. As you go out this week, I challenge you to read Proverbs 1:1-7 and Proverbs 2 to begin getting acquainted with God’s wisdom and how it can impact your life.

About the Author

Johnathon Valdez (MA in Christian Education, Dallas Theological Seminary) served for seven years as the Junior High Pastor at Central Bible Church.