Make Much of God

From Waiting with God

by Matt Koceich on

Devotionals 2 min read
Numbers 14:18

The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion.
Numbers 14:18

Moses knew all about waiting. On the surface, he was the strong leader who rescued God’s people out of Egypt. But behind the scenes, his days were marked by waiting with God. For starters, Moses was a shepherd in the wilderness for 40 years, and then he and all the Israelites ended up on a 40-year detour in the wilderness. To make matters worse, the Israelites complained and longed for their former life of slavery.

Even though everyone and everything seemed stacked against Moses, his heart changed in the waiting. He interceded for the people. He cried out to God for mercy and forgiveness. He didn’t spend all his time complaining and wishing things would be different. He made decisions that made much of God. He wasn’t perfect, and eventually his disobedience had consequences, but he knew that waiting brought reward.

In times of waiting, there are temptations to stop trusting God. It’s tempting to believe He will not do what He has promised. If we’re not careful, our ears will perk up at the voices that cause us to doubt God. When you are in the middle of the long, confusing wait, don’t forget you are loved and God is right there with you, carrying you on to great kingdom-changing purposes.

Lord, please give me patience. Waiting and trusting Your plan is my heart’s desire, but sometimes I get anxious. Remind me of your loving kindness.

What is God giving you today as you wait with Him?

About the Author

Matt Koceich is the 2021 Christian Book Award finalist in the Children's category and author of the IMAGINE Bible adventure series for kids. He lives in Mansfield, Texas with his wife Cindi and their four children.